Porchlight Friends Companions Helping Older Adults

We have many options available to our clients. Choose from one visit per week, all the way up to five visits per week. Let us know what your needs are and we will custom fit our services to meet those needs. Our 2-hour visits are just enough time to provide assistance in the home without being too intrusive.

The Porchlight Friends Companions meet our clients in their homes to help them live their best lives! Our companions are interviewed, vetted, and trained, so they are well prepared and ready to serve our clients!

We’re a CareLinx Provider through select Medicare Advantage Plans (United Healthcare, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Kaiser). Call us for more for more information.

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Choose the level of support that best serves your needs.

“I enjoy my weekly visit with my companion. It lifts my spirits when I see them walk in… gives me something to look forward to.”

~ Porchlight Friends’ Client